

Carmel Geoghan

Carmel Geoghan


Patient advocate and stakeholder of Primary Care Research into Cancer (SPARC)

Carmel became primary carer to her mum Angela in 2010.  Angela received a very late diagnosis of vascular /frontotemporal dementia. Carmel cared for her mother until the end of life. This life changing experience began Carmel’s advocating for the voice of persons with a disability and the primary carer / family. She established Dementia Ireland Empowering Communities with an emphasis on education to reduce the misunderstanding attached to a diagnosis and empower those affected to voice their needs, fears and be involved in the decisions that affect them.

This advocacy work centres on the importance of including the voice of the person in all interactions relating to them and in particular ensuring that their voice is central at all stages of research including the planning, consultation and translation of outcomes arising from the research into actions. Carmel also highlights the inconsistency and/or lack of services and support between urban/rural settings.

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